Mariano Scandizzo

Head of Asset Management & Portfolio Manager

Mariano F. Scandizzo is Head of Asset Management and Senior Portfolio Manager. Mariano is responsible for leading Asset management and extending the range of Insigneo financial products and services. Mariano’s quantitative and commercial background plays a fundamental role in developing state-of-the-art portfolio management tools and products while enhancing the front-end resources for advisors and end clients. Mariano is currently enhancing and expanding data science and AI-related initiatives for the firm.

Mariano brings over twenty years of experience performing a broad range of investment management and corporate strategy roles. Mariano’s experience ranges from business strategy, quantitative financial planning and analysis, quantitative risk management, strategic asset allocation, and machine learning.

Mariano has a rich international exposure having lived in Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States while working in sectors such as financial services, logistics, real estate, and consumer non-cyclical.

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